Wow classic dendrite starblaze
Wow classic dendrite starblaze

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It says on the quest that it is DIRECTLY EAST OF AUBREDINE, and it is just come out of the place and then go directly east you will find lvl 12 moonkins there, three out side that you have to kill to get in the cave, kill them ONE BY ONE which i soloed at lvl 10 so no prob there, just be ready for them and do it slowly one one and it woill be fine Step 9: this guys says ok well done you now have to use some dust on a stone and kill a git that comes out of it.

#Wow classic dendrite starblaze free#

Step 8: If you look around the town there are flight paths, it is free and the one for alliance will take you to rut whatever its name is villege where you get into darnassus, go and talk to the bloke in the druid enclave again. Step 7: you have to go back to the place that you teleported to in the first place, so instead of running back from the bear to him, i was lazy and used the teleport button to get right back where i needed to be, talked to him, and then he gives you a quest to talk to the guy in Darnassus again Step 6: Just follow the mountian going southwest from the building you were in, you will cross a stream and then you will see that there is a lil path, go through the path (all of this by the way is still all SOUTHWEST) and there is the bear, talk to him and then he sends you on your way Step 5: Ok you have teleported and the building right infront of you is where the bloke you need to talk to is, talk to him, he said some rubbish about spirits and blah blah balh, he gives you a quest to go SOUTHWEST and talk to the bear spirit. Step 4: afer accepting the mission you look in your spell book and there is the teleport button, it has just been added for you, so press it and teleport to the location Step three: After training in lvl 10 stuff, take the mission from the trainer Step two: Go into darnassus to train as you would normaly, whilst training you will notice that whichever druid trainer you are using, all have a gold quest mark above thier heads.

#Wow classic dendrite starblaze full#

Step 10: Go into the cave, which is very shallow and use the dust on the stone, then the bloke you have to kill comes, bounding in behind you, he is lvl 12 moonkin same as outside so as long as you are full mana and health, just blast him to death.Kommentar von ThottbotOk this is not hard ill try ad make it simple, ive JUST done it and am on way back for last bit

wow classic dendrite starblaze wow classic dendrite starblaze wow classic dendrite starblaze

Comentario de ThottbotOk this is not hard ill try ad make it simple, ive JUST done it and am on way back for last bit

Wow classic dendrite starblaze